Best Bushnell Rangefinders 2022
Bushnell Rangefinder Comparison
What are golf rangefinders?
Rangefinders measure the distance between tee-off and your target. There are many benefits to using a tool to measure instead of the naked eye.
There are two main types of rangefinders: laser and GPS. GPS works by calculating the distance between you and your target using signals from satellites. These finders require a course map to be loaded on before using it. Many come with courses pre-loaded, but if your local course is not included, you may have to do this yourself. The accuracy of the GPS range finder depends on the signal available and the number of satellites available.
Laser rangefinders use a light beam that reflects light to determine distance. The accuracy depends on the size of the reflective surface being measured. The more beam reflected, the more accurate it is; therefore, many golf courses attach reflective pieces at the top of flags.
Most agree that laser rangefinders are more accurate than GPS.
Why should I use a rangefinder?
Rangefinders help any golfer improve their shot. By removing the guessing game of distance, accuracy is improved. You may think you have a good grasp of spaces, but you learn your strokes better by knowing the exact number. Rangefinders also save time. Figuring out distances often takes up half the time spent on the course. Now, you can use that time focusing on other parts of your game.
The trickiest part of golfing for novices is often picking which club to use. By pulling out your new rangefinder, you can instantly figure out which club works best so you can focus on your swing. Underclubbing is a massive detriment to your game that can easily be fixed.
You may think you don't want to add another thing to your golf bag, but range finders are very small, and some can even fit on your wrist. The size is comparable to a small camera, so it won't hinder your performance or add weight to your bag. A caddy in your pocket is worth it.
Are they worth the money?
For most players, rangefinders are an excellent investment. These gadgets range from around $150-$700 for different features. This is undoubtedly a good investment if you play every week or a few times a month. A rangefinder is essential if you travel a lot and enjoy playing different courses you do not know well. Overall, it just comes down to personal preference. After using one, many golfers don't want to play without it. Many different types can fit your budget and needs.
Are they hard to use?
No! Put, just point and shoot! Turn on your laser rangefinder, look through the viewfinder, and aim. You can practice by aiming your reticle at the flag. Many new models vibrate when a flag is detected, but this would be in the most expensive models. Laser RFs require a good amount of stability when in use, so if this is a problem, make sure to go for a GPS model or use a tripod. Often, you don't have a direct shot, and slope is involved. Many models have a slope feature that calculates distance via slope for you.
So which rangefinder is for me?
Here at Golf Superstore, we offer a range of high-quality Bushnell rangefinders. Each has unique features that fit your golf skill and budget.
BUSHNELL PHANTOM 2 (click for store)
This Bushnell phantom 2 is a simple and easy-to-use GPS rangefinder that is relatively hands-off once on the course. The large, easy-to-read font allows readable access from your golf bag or clipped on your hip. The display is optimized for bright sunlight to provide the best visibility possible. Over 38,000 golf courses have been pre-loaded onto the device, and the intuitive design updates as you walk through the course automatically. This rangefinder has one of the best battery lives out of all of the GPS models available at 18 hours. The Phantom 2 even has an app that provides a full layout of the course on your smartphone. This is one of the most accurate GPS rangefinders on the market and is perfect for those who like the convenience of GPS and don't want to waste money on something inaccurate.
This rangefinder is for the golfer who wants to improve their golf game and speed up playtime without breaking the bank.
What's new for the 2?
- Stronger BITE Magnetic Mount with more surface area
- Larger Display
- Track up to 6 hazards/layup distances per hole
- GreenView with moveable pin locations (You select which location it's at!)
- 18+ Hours of Battery Life
- Auto Course Recognition
- Auto Hole Advance
- Shot Distance Calculator
- Included Clip & Carabiner
- Bushnell Golf App
- One Year Limited Warranty
Bushnell is always next level with their products, but something about the V5 feels impressive. This model is much lighter than previous versions of their laser rangefinder and is easier to use. The visual Jolt feature is amusing and does make it easier to find your targets. The finder vibrates as you scan your pin target to let you know you have locked onto your next shot. The 6x zoom display allows extremely clear visuals while searching for your target. The magnetic mount is powerful enough to hang onto a golf cart for the whole day. This model does not have a slope function but is very easy to use, so if the slope is not a deal-breaker, this is the rangefinder for you.
- PinSeeker
- Visual JOLT
- Upgraded Case
- Improved BITE magnetic mount
The V5 shift improves on many of the features available in the Patriot pack. The magnetic grip has been enhanced and won't fall off no matter how big of a hole you hit. This makes storage in between holes much more accessible. The optics have improved immensely— it's like going from binoculars to the Hubble telescope. The Visual Jolt with the red ring and vibration is still present in this model. While more pricey, if you have had previous models of the Bushnell rangefinders, this one is definitely worth the upgrade as the differences are tangible.
- PinSeeker
- Visual JOLT
- Improved BITE magnetic mount
- Upgraded case
- Slope Technology
GPS and laser rangefinders each have their pros and cons. Most agree that lasers are more accurate, but GPS is more time-efficient. Bushnell combines both in this hybrid range finder. The laser works the same as the V5s above but does not include the visual Jolt. 5x magnification is excellent at seeking out pins at par-four distances.
The Bushnell Hybrid is perfect for someone who can't decide between the 2 types or wants the precision of laser combined with the convenience of GPS.
Overall, rangefinders are an excellent tool for any golfer to improve skill, enrich time management and enjoy time on the course. Visit Golf Superstore / Golf Headquarters in Chattanooga, TN to try out the best of Bushnell and decide which one is best for you.