Can golf balls go bad?

Can golf balls go bad?

Can golf balls go bad? 

Are you the type to follow expiration dates to a tee or give a few days of wiggle room? It may surprise you to find out, golf balls definitely expire. Golf balls are one of those things where I assume if it ain't broken, it is usable. This may not actually be the case though!  

The first key to understanding why golf balls age is to learn about their construction.   

The core is the center of the ball and is usually rubber/synthetic material. The core creates tension to push the ball to fly.  

The cover is the ball's outer layer that you see with dimples on it. This layer is usually made of Surlyn or urethane. These dimples make the ball aerodynamic.   

Many golf balls have 3 or more layers: the core, another layer or two of enhanced rubber, and the shell. Usually, more layers are for higher-level golfers.   

To learn more about the different types of golf balls, click here  

Golf balls can be expensive! Most people want to use them for more than one round to get their money's worth.   

Before starting your game with a used ball, ensure there isn't a significant amount of wear or tear. They take quite a beating! Too much damage will impact your gameplay.   

One key to extending their life is wiping them off often during a round. By keeping them blemish-free, you reduce the amount of damage done.   

Do unused balls expire?  

It may surprise you that golf balls can last for ten years if stored properly! Stored properly is the key. That bucket of balls sitting in your damp garage may be done for.  

Make sure they are stored at room temperature, so your closet is a better option than the garage.   

Let's say you're getting back into playing after a 15-year hiatus. Those balls you bought before you stopped playing wouldn't be doing you any favors. Not to mention, golf ball technology changes all the time! You want to use the best balls for your skill level.   

What about water damage?  

The amount of damage inflicted on the balls depends on how much time it was in the water and if there are any deep scratches that allow water to seep in and waterlog the ball.   

After retrieving the ball, try to figure out if it is lighter or heavier than it was before. If you can't clean the ball fully, replace the ball.   

It can take months to years for a golf ball to show evidence of damage from water, and there's usually no need to be concerned if your ball is only in the water for a few minutes.   

Golf balls are pretty resilient but not indestructible. Check them out from time to time to ensure they are in good shape and keep them clean, so they last longer. If it seems time for an upgrade, visit us on our online store to check out our wide variety of golf ball options, and read over this blog to find the right balls for you.  


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