How to Golf in the Rain?
Adapting Your Game to the Weather
Because golf and the weather go hand in hand, it is essential to know how varying states of weather will impact your game and, consequently, how to make the best of your time while on the tee box, fairway, and green during circumstances created by the weather.
Why is it essential to make changes to your game depending on the weather?
It is imperative to adjust how you would regularly play a game because harsh climates and rain will most likely cause you to perform at a different standard than you normally would. If you implement certain techniques to combat the effects that other weather conditions may have on your game, you will be able to bring the attention back to doing your best in your game.
I want to preface by asserting that these are things that I personally do while I am playing a round while dealing with unwanted weather conditions. So, I hope that you take some of these tips and put them into your own game and that they work for you.
Cold Weather
The Winter months have the ability to pose a few changes to your round of golf. First and foremost, you may have noticed, especially if you have recently played a match, that your ball probably does not travel– on average– as far as it typically does in comparison to warmer climates. This is because as the temperature drops, the air becomes denser, which makes it hard to carry the weight of a ball as far.
The Right Golf Ball
This leads me to the first adjustment you should make in cold weather. Consider changing the type of ball you are using when teeing off for a type of ball equipped for denser air. My two recommendations that can be found at Golf Superstore are Titleist TruFeel Golf Balls and Callaway Supersoft Golf Balls. When I play around during colder weather, I typically choose between these two types of golf balls. Their soft core and compression make them ideal for frigid temperatures.
Layer Up
Second, it is vital to ensure that you stay warm– you should always arrive at the course with layers. It is crucial to stay warm, aside from obvious reasons, because you need to be able to enact muscle memory while swinging and use several muscles that require adequate blood flow. To that end, I would highly recommend increasing the amount of time you spend warming up. Don’t overdo it, but adding a few more dynamic stretches and swings will help get your blood circulating effectively. You may even want to add a few more practice swings than you usually would on the course. This also includes stocking up on layers for your extremities, which are very important. Another adjustment that you may want to consider making is moving up a tee box. Because the ball will and can not go as far in the colder weather, there is no harm in beginning at a closer tee.
Rainy Days
Unfortunately, there will be days when you’ve planned a game of golf, and the forecast predicts rain. Though it is not ideal, I want to equip you with ways to improve your experience while playing in rainy weather. I also want to emphasize that while it is certainly ok to play golf in the rain, you should refrain from playing if there is lightning.
Remove Weight on the Ball
My first recommendation is to buy a golf cloth. I have played with several beginners who have yet to purchase one, and with them, I share what a difference it makes. But seriously, a golf cloth will serve you well if you happen to be stuck on the course in the rain and your golf ball gets planted into a muddy lie. When your ball has muddy residue on it, there is additional weight clung to it, ultimately making it more difficult for the ball to travel at a greater distance. I personally use the Player’s Towel, created by PING, and I highly recommend it. You can find it at Golf Superstore on our website.
Anticipate the Roll
The second tip for enduring a round of golf on a rainy day would be to anticipate your ball to roll less than it usually does. This is particularly important while on the green because if you can take this into account while putting, you will be able to make a more informed decision regarding your putting shots.
Be precise
Third, try to allow as little mud to come between the ball and the club face. Mud can cause a direction change concerning your ball in addition to decreasing the distance it can go due to the added weight it brings.
I hope you can utilize some of these tips if you ever find yourself playing a round in weather conditions. Best of luck on the course. Also, be sure to check out some of the items featured in the blog using the links below.
Titleist TruFeel Golf Balls: https://golfsuperstore.com/products/titleist-2022-trufeel-golf-balls-white
Callaway Supersoft Golf Balls: https://golfsuperstore.com/products/2021-callaway-supersoft-golf-balls-white
PING Player’s Towel: